Friday, April 26, 2019

Getting There

For the first time since April 5, I woke up this morning and my first thought wasn't "I'm sad" but "I have to make Megan's lunch". Then I thought about tomorrow when we go pick up Hugh. On Tuesday he texted and asked if we could come get him before Saturday. Apparently they are fined if they stay in residence longer than 24hrs after their last exam. The only ones getting extensions were international students. Well, if he had let  us know this sooner, then perhaps Rob could have taken a day off. I suggested he move his stuff into someone else's room and bunk with them for 2 nights. Or the common room couch. He said he's working on it.

Rob called Residence Life and they said they send an email to every student in January with their move out date, based on their last exam. If Hugh had contacted them, they could have worked out an extension. I texted him this on Wednesday with this info and he hasn't responded.

On one hand, he wants to be all grown up. On the other hand, these things happen.

I'm so scared for tomorrow. I'm sort of at a place of resolution. It is what it is, I'm sad, I don't want to get deeply involved, I'm not ready for changes, but I will be as supportive as I can within those limitations. Does that make sense? Rob is still dealing with anger and disgust. He's unsure if he wants a relationship with someone doing something he doesn't approve of. I feel bad for him. He was never close to his brother and when his brother announced he was gay, that was all the ammunition Rob needed to defend his lack of closeness and perpetuate it. But I don't know how he could step away from his own son, especially if the rest of the family is fine with it. Or, at least, accepting of it. I'm one to root for the underdog, to dig beneath the surface of the kid in the corner who won't participate, to explain someone else's side. I see black, white, and grey. He sees only black. It's hard!

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